1. to totally destroy something
2. to be completely drunk
3. to be exhausted
4. to steal
1. "Lets trash that cardboard"
2. "You get trashed drinking that"
3. "Man I am trashed"
4. "Lets trash the place and take the stuff"
by K-Scrawl October 7, 2008
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Trash is a term used by some people to describe; People who aren't worth the time they require or What you put out on a weekday.
Idiot "Hey fatso go eat a salad"
Friend of the dubbed "Fatso"
"Just ignore him, he's nout but trash"
by Teen Melancholic August 17, 2009
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It is a term to call some one that is ugly.
by aaaadddddddd January 28, 2019
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