very cool, either literally
or sarcastically.
(a cross between "cool beans" and "neato".
the result of thinking faster than you can talk while describing something cool, or while mocking something.)
1. you: OMG! i love you!

2. you: i ust got the new harry potter book!
me: *looks at you for a while* neat bones *smile*
by misskenzie May 15, 2008
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How you wanna make everything prior to The Inspector coming by to look at your place.
I try to always keep things reasonably clean and tidy around my apartment in any case, but this also lessens the burden of making everything "neat ‘n’ sweet" for da monthly quarters-inspection.
by QuacksO September 10, 2018
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When you’re giving your girl that neat stroke game.
He gave me the best two minutes of neat wienering of my life.
by Neat wienerer February 10, 2023
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5 singers made popular in the '50s who sang the following: Let's Have A Party In My Rec Room, Who Made The Egg Salad Sandwiches, Patsy Has The Largest Breasts In Town, I'm The Goof In The Classroom, She Does It, etc...
by Patsy's Big Breasts August 15, 2023
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Um... Miss Tillman.
Paul Young's been missing for a couple of days. Have you seen him?
Why ask me?
I saw him leave a box on your doorstep.
And I've seen Zach over here.
If I did know where Mr. Young was, why would I tell you?
Look, the police think I killed your sister and I'm sure you do too. But I had nothing to do with it.
And you think Paul Young did.
Well... No, that's not what I was saying.
You gotta admit, it's a neat theory.
by weeknew September 14, 2018
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