Tiny Bulge. Often seen when a male wears tight pants.
His lululemon pants showed of his TB a "little" too much.
by Khalisa December 6, 2007
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The abbreviation "TBS" stands for "Tiny Ball Syndrome". People who are diagnosed with TBS either through social interactions with others, or through a medical professional are predisposed to exhibit beta-like characteristics. Someone with TBS would be considered inferior when compared to males with regular testicular size.
Yeah that guy has tbs for sure. He can't even bench the bar.
by Rustylron April 20, 2019
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very funny- originates from the TBS television slogan "very funny"
Guy 1: We were having sex and she ripped one
Guy 2: HAHA no way dude, that shits TBS
by captain mary jane March 22, 2010
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Taking Back Sunday, probably the most wannabe emo band ever. They obviously try way too hard. All of their songs sound exactly the same, and they have been known to lure young kids into buying their albums using methods of mind-control.
The members of Taking Back Sunday are pedophiles, and if you've seen the cover of their latest album, you'd know what I mean.
They also have a really big fanbase of a bunch of loser fake punk rockers who act like everything that happens to them, they should go and turn on a TBS album and cry and cut themselves.
It's wrong.
I hate TBS, they are not emo.
by Drunken Hobbit January 4, 2005
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A legit encinitas based gang that was founded in 2000. The gang holds manabreast destiny as there only law
I keep asking OG Rocka if i can get in to TBS but each time he bars me and says i don't pull hard enough
by Harlow thug 1187 September 24, 2008
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Hey John, you wanna hang out today?
I can't man, I have TBS.

My stomach is killing me, damn TBS.
by NubsterTM April 9, 2015
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Acronym for "To Be Stopped." You use this when you are referring to something that needs to be eliminated from society.
Man, Jay-Z really needs TBS. I can't stand looking at his big flappy face.
by Sean February 14, 2005
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