Somebody, or something, that is ever so slightly retarded but in a funny way.
Will: Vicky, sometimes you are such a sass monkey!

Vicky: I know, i know.
by The_Original_Sass_Monkey August 11, 2011
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When a friend gets way too serious in a none serious situation.
Tia:(sarcastically) Kyle you weren't even there

Zach:(sarcastically) Yeah Kyle, you can't just say that, you weren't even there.

Kyle:(seriously) Shut Up Zach.

Zach:Kyle quit giving me butt sass.
by Triz3 May 23, 2011
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Noun; When you are so drunk that you passout in the middle of a sandbar, face down and start to puke all over yourself so much that people have to dig you a puke hole so you dont die
Guy 1: "Dude, i am about to get sass drunk tonight"
Guy2: "I am not taking care of you"
by dancer1_ August 30, 2010
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A device or person that generates sass.
Man: Don't be sassin me woman
Woman: boy, I do what I want, don't you be tellin me not to sass you, where was you at last night, you was with dat ho wasn't you...
Man: I can't believe I married a fucking sass machine
by Nettled February 2, 2004
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A competition of wit and oratory prowess between two clever and sarcastic people, esp. between two intelligent gay men.
I wonder who would win if Oscar Wilde and Lytton Strachey had a sass-off.
by Colorado Sweets December 28, 2004
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someone who you like romantically, and like like you in the same way but you are not 'seeing each other' or anything
max is well fit...he is my lush sass
by james1111coolio April 28, 2007
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a strand of jerry curl, perm, or body wave hairstyle pulled down the forehead, preferably dangling in front of one eye.
"Man, that Morris Day sure loves his sass tendril"
"I was debating giving him my number, but instead stared at his sass tendril for an hour and nodded"
by mrnate January 30, 2009
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