poopie is stinky and sometimes large in size.
i went for a poopie today. it smelled really bad.
by KeeKee656575744 November 15, 2006
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Poopie is part of the "Poopie and Explodie" duo from a Ren and Stimpy Cartoon.
Explodie: "I have to throw up now, Poopie!"
by Ross January 15, 2004
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A jazzed up version of 'poop', for extra flair.
After work is my special decompression poopis time.
by LBo979 February 21, 2009
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name for a males asshole or can be used to describe taking a shit.
gary: what a lovely poopis you have.
Lucas: thanks

Lucas: Hey Gary i have to go take a big old poopis!
by Lucas, Gary December 28, 2007
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(1) To take a shit.
(2) Pet name used for small dogs such as poodles.
(1) "I just made poopie on the congressman's car!"
(2) "Who's my wittle poopie doopy?"
by KaiserMonkey August 19, 2003
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the poop that comes out when you poop in a weird way
(pooping 90 degrees, standing up, no lid, most popular, in diapers.)
the baby went poopie
by pieser me niger March 31, 2011
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anything undesirable, a cleaner version of shitty.
Well, your attitude is rather poopy today.
by The Amazing Paul December 1, 2004
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