This is was orginally a British phase meaning one is either extremely intoxicated or angry, the latter has been adopted by Americans.
Drunk: "I got so pissed in town last night, Satan's Hallow FTW"

Angry: "Sorry about last night, i was so pissed-off at my parents"
by Junyar-Kuro May 1, 2009
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1. Alchamahol.
2. Urine.
3. used to show comedy.
1. Beer.
2. ?.
3. Im taking the piss mate!.
by louis October 18, 2001
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Person1: I can't go out tonight, I have to study for a test.
Person2: Piss on it. Let's go.
by Mike February 25, 2004
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just the sweetest word ever. ever.
i love to say piss. flat out that
by corndizzle September 24, 2004
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Yellow uriney stuff that comes out of your cock.
Gee, I have too piss.
by Meatbeater June 23, 2003
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A delicious drink that Tfue drinks. Piss can be very nutritious and refreshing. All you need to do to get it is to piss in a toilet, take a cup, take a bendy straw, and sip it. You can also put your piss in your soup, mac n cheese, and on your tea.
Person 1: R u drinking beer out of a bendy straw?!
Person 2: No dawg it’s piss.
Person 1: Yo I can have some to. I have my friends piss right here.
by Alex12891 February 13, 2019
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Tourettes guy's second favorite exclamation, only exceeded by "Bob Sagget!"
* Friend hits you with a baseball bat*
by Urban Meerkat February 28, 2011
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