A man who was once an internet God. Now, an internet punchline.
A: "Hey you want to hear a Joke"
B: "Sure"
A: "The Nostalgia Critic"
B: (Laughs)
by j@mbo February 11, 2021
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Someone who specializes in evaluating the fragrance and aroma of other people's farts.
James is a fart critic - he always smells other people's farts and then insists on offering his opinion about them.
by thejdog2007 May 20, 2009
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A Skill Based FPS Game Created By Critical Force, It Has 2 Modes. Defuse And Deathmatch.
"Skill Based" YeahRight. A Lot Of Hackers Play This Game
somerandomnoob: Hey lets play critical ops
somerandompro: fk you imma play csgo
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When a man pisses inside a girls pussy
My girl is super freaky, she wanted a moist critical!!
by My moist is critical December 29, 2022
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an awesome song by Avenged Sevenfold (a7x) that talks about how stupid americans can be.
Dude, critical acclaim is an awesome song.
by yourmommy1234 April 27, 2008
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To give constructive criticism as a sign of affection and good-will. Also known as "The 6th love language".

Commonly used amongst people you are fond of.
"What is your love language?", "Words of criticism of course!"
by knightofwords March 31, 2023
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1. Completely disregarding or overlooking something crucial that results in a catastrophic end.
Dude Man 1: How much gas is in your car?
Dude Man 2: Not enough to get to the gas station.
Dude Man 1: How much was left when you got in your car?
Dude Man 2: Didn't check.
Dude Man 1: Critical oversight. Dumbass
by J-kwelin July 16, 2023
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