A way to agreeing to something if it is funny or disguisting
"I smell terrible"

"It was so funny"
by AlexSwag May 22, 2016
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A word you will start staying for either 2 reasons:

1: You watch Brooklyn Nine Nine.
2: You have a friends that watches Brooklyn Nine Nine.

It is inevitable, you can’t escape it, and you can’t have a mature conversation without it.
Noice, smort.
by Coolcooolcooolnodoubt February 20, 2019
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I was thrown a free xbox yesterday. That is pretty "noice",
by CappyBlack June 19, 2011
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It has came from the word nice, but pronounced nooice
"did u see that tv program, it was Noice!!!"
by Andy August 29, 2004
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An exclamation, for when it seems that one has the world on a string.
Groucho: Hey, here come some twenty-year old blonde co-stars!
Chico: Noice!
by Wasser Tizfiddle October 26, 2004
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Something that is very, very nice! or that you like the sound of.
"ooo patty, hes very NOICE!"
quoted by Rebecca & katie
by rebecca and katie May 3, 2005
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Comes from the show "Viva La Bam" as said on a regular basis by Bam and his friends.
Raab, were gonna order you a wife!
by Ewok April 26, 2004
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