To kiss someone but with a lot of tongue. The tongue goes in the direction of the throat. Also known as to get off
Ay, I thought I saw you to necking on at Jessie's party
by KermitdaFrog✌✌ May 16, 2016
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When you got a big ass doink and you smoke it your taking that shit straight to the neck
First off I wake up and hit a blunt to the neck
by Beat Meaters June 20, 2018
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In Holden's Case, it means to "neck" with a female; kissing as some may say, or sexual activity. When Giraffes mate or "kiss" they have their butting of heads, a competition for the males to neck the other male away.

Whether it's meant by pleasing somebody or giraffes necking each other to get the female, it's all brutal.
I don't why I wrote this. So pointless. Necking! ..
by mr. okay January 20, 2008
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Taking it to the neck is when a person decides that they are going to drink beer, as their highest priority, until they are --necked--. This type of behavior can be described as -necking-. When someone is necking they are only concentrated on their drinking and are bound to make inappropriate comments, gestures, and terrible decisions as the night/day progresses.
During a keg party someone decides that they are going to start off with a couple of keg stands. Billy, we will call him, not only loved his first keg stand, but gets down screaming, "Time to NECK it boys," while simultaneously furrowing his brow and pointing all ten fingers at his neck.

Nobody else thinks this is a good idea, but usually their is a fellow necker in the crowd, Tommy, who is also down. He instead of firing after the keg goes for the closest bottle of liquor screaming, "Time to NECK CITY fellas" and takes entirely to much vodka to his neck, which leads to the inevitable immediate puke session.

These gentlemen have no chance at scoring with any girls tonight, but they will try there best to overcome this extreme unnecessary behavior by chest bumping and getting so rowdy that they clear the party out. Once they realize that they are the only ones left by the keg they panic and rush to the nearest social venue, which is usually a bar. They demand entry, even though they are too hammered, and if the bouncer is dumb enough to let them in problems are headed his/ her way. They will call eachother the next morning and talk about how awesome it was, but in reality they were the biggest losers at the bar and have made several enemies at this point. The necking usually ends when the morning puke takes place, which is ofcourse another consequence.
by Tommy to the neck Jackson September 22, 2010
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When two individuals (usually lovers) extend their necks forward and caress softly their necks together. Creating a friction as though their necks were wood and they were creating a fire.
"Babe, lets get to Necking."
"Oh, I don't feel like it. My neck is still sore from the last time."

"Hey, do you wanna make like Giraffes and neck real hard?"

by Quinieus the 45th February 7, 2015
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Neck is another term for oral sex or giving a blow job just like brain or head is.
by XTruth HurtsX April 12, 2021
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When someone says something dumb and you need to hurt them, but not so much that they cry. Just enough for them to know they a dumb motherfucka
A slap on the back of the neck
"Aren't fingers and toes the same thing?" asked Gouda.
"Uh," I started. "that's a neck."
"Aw man", said Gouda.
by N.Y Nora July 24, 2018
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