A person who towers of the levels of "douchebag" and "motherfucker" Extrememley conceded and full of themself
Night of many beam and cokes and stupid friends results to adam being a fagimus maximus
by J.R. Starr May 27, 2008
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Albinus maximus, is the Messiah of the religion Sylt!

They say he will return one day to see the fruits of his loins.

They say his puns are legendary!
All praise the one and only, Albinus Maximus!
by Doggii64 January 19, 2018
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That bitch pulled my Pubius Maximus when I wasn't looking. It's gonna take another 3 months to grow out.
by Miggy Style March 14, 2011
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booty (-muscles)
"When my ocular organs located a gluteus maximus of remarkable magnitude, my genitalia became erect."

(Meaning "When I saw a big booty I got a boner.")
by Big Bap a.k.a. Tiny Tom May 16, 2018
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A word commonly used by the Ancient Romans to simply inform someone that they are a cunt
Roman 1: I shall defeat you when we fight in the arena!
Roman 2: oh fuck off you Cuntus Maximus
by CuntusMaximus December 23, 2015
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a person who constantly does stupid, idiotic, rediculous shit!
you did that shit again... you're a fucking dufus maximus!!!
by Ms Lena August 30, 2006
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the state of having an extreme amount of gas. uncontrollable and unbearable farting.
"Dude, I shouldn't have eaten that plate of beans, I'm so gaseous maximus right now"
by Dan_e_o November 3, 2006
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