4'9", an international muffin measurement standard
Poison's legs are 0.76 ky.
by CoolCamiel December 18, 2009
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Keep yourself safe, not kill your self. "Yourself" is a compound word, god.
Bob: I'm going to go play COD, cya later!
Me: Kys bob.
by Iahk Uahc November 14, 2016
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Kiss Your Son
Guy 1: Will you allow me to KYS?
Guy 2's Homophobic Father: You're going to hell, Guy 2!
by Mr. Twinkieface September 12, 2020
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it is a Japanese saying, and it really means "kuki yomenai." That is when there is a group of people and one person just is out there. She doesn't know what is going on, and she cant tell what the other people are trying to do.
person A: Isn't Mrs. Otter just so mean! She gave me a F.
group of people: Yeah she can be a bitch sometimes.
KY girl: I like her, shes nice.
group of people:...
person A: WOW you are sooo KY!!
by sumiko March 24, 2008
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Ky is a name u don’t hear very often, he’s usually a guy who keeps his love for one special girl.. he is very easy to look at. A Ky is usually VERY VERY hot, however he is not the flirty type.. many girls ooh and ahh over Ky, he is very sweet and very emotional, a Ky is very passionate for music and usually athletic. Known to have many friends but he knows the ones who deserve his respect. Ky is very loyal, trustworthy Ky is the type of guy girls fall in love with over his sweet kind aroma. A Ky is very respectful to many however can be a dick at certain times, a Ky is known to have a huge freaky side that not many know of. Ky usually has a huge cock and a nice nice body, he is very easy to flaunt over. Ky is a very smart individual that many mistake for a typical “jock”. A Ky is a lifetime friend no one will ever forget. If you find a Ky hold on to him forever.
Kathryn “did u see Ky walking in the hallway” “Ky is so hot
by georgy423 November 29, 2018
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