A formal phrase said to bros during a seemingly gay act to clarify that said act is not gay.
Example 1:
Bro 1: Hey bro, can you shave my balls?
Bro 2: Nah bro, thats mad 'mo
Bro 1: No homo bro
Bro 2: Oh alright then

Example 2:
Bro 1: Baby, baby, baby oooooohhh
Bro 2: Bro, are you singing Justin Bieber? Thats mad 'mo bro!
Bro 1: No! No homo though.
Bro 2: Oh alright then
Bro 2: *Joins in*
by nuclearwinter February 27, 2014
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No homo is a term usually used to avoid a gay moment. The thing is the word can only be used in a 5 second time frame. Anytime out of that time what you say is seen as gay and you are gay my guy.
For example“bro I wanna nail you,...no homo tho” it’s not gay because it was in the time frame.
by Bootyeater2-3 March 18, 2019
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A pass to say or do anything you want that is gay
TOD: hey bro, do me a favor and suck my dick

Jerry: ok, no homo
by Dhfd March 16, 2018
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Something one would say, usually a male, after they say something that sounds gay but they’re straight so they say no homo.
Guy 1- not gonna lie, I would fuck Ryan

Guy 2-
Guy 1-

Guy 2- tHaTs gAy

Guy 1- oh no homo
Guy 2- oh okay
by HelloMyNameIsNatAndBeingGayIsM September 23, 2018
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An individual who is not homosexual in anyway; they are completely heterosexual with no personal homosexual tendencies, desire, affiliation or history at all. They are different from homophobes in that they are not insecure, they do not condemn or have distain for homosexuals; rather they are personally free of any homosexually whatsoever.

There are few homo-nots in the world, it is estimated that of the 6 billion people on earth, less than a 100 people hold this prestigious and coveted title. Homo-nots are highly regarded and respected; loved by women, envied by men.
Two friends are on a bus when a friend and another man, who is a Homo-not walks in. Jennifer: "Trina did you see the way that guy was looking at jack? he might be gay"
Trina: "Him? no way, he's not gay at all, he's actually a Homo-not"
by Ziba January 16, 2009
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Something idiotic straight, white 12-year-old boys say after giving each other a high five or touching in any way. Saying no homo apparently makes everything non gay. No matter what was said or done previously, speaking this word maintains one's heterosexuality.
"I'm moving to San Francisco with my boyfriend. We just finished having gay sex and I gave him a hardcore blowjob. Our house is going to be rainbow with pink furniture. We are going to wear colorful polo shirts every day with khaki shorts and Sperrys. We're going to a gay pride parade after this. And then we're going to makeout like the flamers we are. No homo."
by hotprincebodybae June 14, 2015
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Said to show that you aren't gay after saying something that sounded gay.
Hay man, pass the nuts. No homo
I cornered him in my room and nailed him with a board. No homo
by Anonymous October 21, 2003
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