Greeting often given to Spanish lambretta riders (servetta) when two like minded people meet
That's a nice eric you have there mate, glad it's not a chicken coop, hail Eric.
by fleafleaflea September 17, 2006
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What you say when it is hailing outside, but you have to go outside
I'm taking my bike home today
What the hail?!?
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Cellulite or pock marks on a womans behind
She looks great but has a lot of hail damage.
by JIMBO October 9, 2003
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When in a strip club, to get change in a roll of quarters and proceed to toss them in the air to keep the party going but much more economically. Different sized currency can be used in emergencies.
Damn, last night was crazy! We had all them naked bitches around us until Sean decided to make it hail! Then them hoes was running for cover!
by completeandtotalliar March 31, 2009
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A word that describes something that is highly unlikely like the Hail Mary play in football (Used alot by football jocks)
Jock 1: Allen said he was gunna score Mindy

Jock 2: Bahaha, thats a Hail Mary !
by Jock059 January 7, 2010
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To be busted up, worn out , wrecked , old, or used up.

Used to describe a really bad hanover
"Man, we partied way to much last night and today i am soo "Hailed Out"

"I am too Hailed Out to talk today"
by Mexican blue April 27, 2009
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