the words you say when your to shy to tell the person your truelly in love with that you love them.
austin i lush,lubb,mush,gush,hush,slush you more than you will ever know<3
by snowbunny94 May 13, 2011
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Can be used to discribe a very short water break, however gush and go can also be used as a term for a one night stand or a quick session with someone, after which one person quickly leaves. Synonym of ejaculate and evacuate.
Person 1: Yo don’t you know Samantha Bennet.
Person 2: yeah kinda, a gush and go.
Person 1: a water break?

Person 2: Not water… uhh the other one
Person 1: AHHHH IC IC
by Isokok July 18, 2022
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The act of shoving the tip of a glue bottle in your urethra and squeezing the whole bottle in.
Hey man you want to glue gush with Me?
by GlueGushMaster December 31, 2018
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Said to those who are Gush Etzion

A style of life
Harvey: Yo Chad what's up?
Chad: איזה גוש אציון הזה!
Tom: I agree! Eze Gush Etzion HaZeh!
by EtzionFellow May 17, 2022
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80's style pubic bush, wildly grown, untamed
by appk December 4, 2022
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