The term originates from hackey-sack. A gravity check is when an easily playable sack hits the ground only because it was coming down equidistant between two or more players and each player didn't make an attempt because they thought someone else would play it.

The term can also be used in business to describe a situation where nobody on the team works on a task because they think someone else must already be working on it.
Your boss emails the whole team, "Gravity check. Earlier I sent an email to all of you asking that one of you please call the client today. Did any of you actually call the client?"
by aberlickij February 23, 2009
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Noun ~ The force that keeps a guy hovering around a girl that he thinks he might be able to have sex with despite the pull of other things to do.
Ed: "Hey, is Tom coming to play b-ball tonight?"
Steve: "No. He's still owned by Karen's cock gravity."
by Rob Bartley November 7, 2007
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When a person lays on their back and another person balances their belly over the first's face. The belly, pulled down by gravity, is then lowered onto the face, where it is then given a raspberry. One of life's greatest joys.
Person 1: I think I'm ready to take the next step.
Person 2: What're you thinking?
Person 1: Gravity Raspberry.
Person 2: Oh, darling!
by jmsyyy April 22, 2011
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When someone masterbates upside down to give themselves a money shot.
Ty was soo thirsty for man milk he attempted to pull off a gravity facial.
by Justin Cruz May 19, 2006
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a gravity bong is a home made pipe that is designed to use the force of gravity to pull weed smoke into the chamber, usually using water as the means for drawing the smoke down into the chamber.
1.) take any plastic bottle or jug, poke some holes in the bottom of the bottle or jug,
2.) create a foil bowl to fit inside of the bottle opening,
3.) get a bucket or anything the bottle will fit inside and fill the bucket with water,
4.) put the bottle or jug inside the bucket fully submereging the bottle in the water, up to the opening of the bottle (the bucket is filled with water at this point),
5.) put the foil bowl on top (the bowl is filled with weed at this point),
6.) light the weed and draw the bottle up, watch the water pull the smoke into the bottle, make the smoke as chalky as you desire, then when the bottle is almost completly empty of water and full of smoke, take the bowl off and suck the smoke in, at the same time the bottle should start filling back up with water as you are sucking in the smoke.
then if you really want to get high use the bottle as a respirator breathing into and out of the bottle until there is no smoke left.
the gravity bong is the best way to get 4 people off their gord with only a small amount of weed because of the enormous hits this device can generate, this is by far one the more superior means of getting high off a tiny amount of weed
We made a gravity bong out of a sunny D 1 gallon jug, and a trash can.

Nobody could ever completly clear the Sunny D chamber.

My favorite gravity bong is a 2 litter and a cooking put full of water.
by the_infinitesimal October 16, 2004
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A weapon from Halo 3 that took Bungie thirteen years to add as a player wieldable weapon. It first appeared, in a slightly different form, as the P'fhor Shock Staff in Marathon where it was only usable by the enemy Fighters, it came in to versions Melee and Melee with an Energy bolt as it's secondary fire mode. The Gravity Hammer is considered by Bungie fans to be a bit of a let down even though sending people flying with it is fun.
Bungie Fan 1994: "Hey Bungie, when can my character use the Shock Staff?"
Bungie 1994: "Never! And shame on the modders who added it into their weapon lists! I'm looking at you Evil Team!"
Bungie Fan 2007: "Yay! I finally get to use the Shock Staff! What? Only the melee version? But I wanted the one that shot energy bolts..."
Bungie 2007: "What? No it's not! It's the Gravity Hammer! Who told you it was the Shock Staff? We have a security leak! CODE RED!"
by Security Officer May 14, 2008
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One of the best damn industrial bands ever, if not the best.
Holy shit, did you see that Gravity Kills show last night? I almost crapped my pants when they played Goodbye!
by Meadil June 7, 2010
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