Something which always has too many flaws and is never perfect
What would happen under certain governments;

Communism: You have two cows. The governemt takes away both, gives you a small share of the proceeds and shares the rest out with the population.

Socialism: You have two cows. The government takes away just one and shares it out between themselves and the population

Liberalism: You have two cows. The government taxes you slightly on the sale of them

Conservatism: You have two cows. You are taxed almost zero on the sale of them, but the agricultural business will be subject to a recession pretty soon anyway

Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes away both and shoots you
by zutroy September 26, 2004
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A system that contains people that controls a state, a city or a country. However, governments can easily become corrupt since most of the people in office are control freaks and work long and hard to take away the rights and freedoms of the people that they supposedly serve. They normally give out the excuse that they are protecting the public when in reality they are all psychopaths, liars and control freaks. They take away freedoms on a yearly and sometimes monthly basis when they could be doing things such as solving problems such as murders, kidnappings, and homelessness.

Ironically, humans are not the only ones with governments, animals also have governments as well and the animals run their governments a lot more efficiently than any human can run theirs. For example, ants make sure that every member of their colony is fed and this includes their larvae or babies. Wasps do the same and bees also. This means that despite humans claiming that they're the smartest animals around, they are so idiotic that they are unable to run a system correctly.
A government is a pile of crap system that controls a country and the people are paranoid, power hungry control freaks that love taking away the rights of the citizens.
by Digital Preacher December 27, 2014
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A large organization which rules over a country. Usually paractices extortion and other such forms of opression.
The government took my belongings because I refused to let them steal my money.
by LtDevon March 29, 2006
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Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), the bodybuilder/actor-turned-38th Governor of California, who in a recall eleciton terminated the governorship of Gray Davis (D), a colorless, unmuscular technocrat who who was often teased at the beach by the fit.

note: "Governator" is a proper noun, and therefore is capitalized and usually modified with a definite article.
November 18, 2003. SACRAMENTO - Arnold Schwarzenegger was sworn in today as the governor of California. Following his inauguration, the Governator called a special session of the legislature and announced plans to snap the state's mammoth budget deficit between his pectoral muscles.
by MCNevilleHaas December 7, 2003
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A large organization that decides they should control everything else, and have control over life and death, while not giving a shit about you, and acts like they are working for you, when they make money no matter what, and only want money, and more, acts perfect while killing innocent people thousands of times domestically, and millions of times in other countries. Somehow you owe everything to them, makes sense when all they do is control you, rather than protect you, for the sake of industry,
We are the Government, and we must censor this definition for your

S̵̤̲̙̱̥̹̯͛̾̉̇͛̓͜͡ͅa͔͕̪͍̹̼̻͉̅̾̄͐͠ḟ̶̛͈̼̪͈͙̩̔̽̚ȩ̵̛̗̗̥̮̼̝̈̄͌̔͐͢͞t̛̬̹̪̰̪̜͆̎̅̎̚͘͘ÿ̧̟͎̤͙̤̫̦̰́́̔̍̐̄͟. Now please go to a wholesome, safe site, like Breitbart News.
by Givl Upi March 5, 2018
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A money-driven conspiracy of liars, cheaters, and conartists claiming to control all morality. They assume that they know everything, including the difference between right and wrong, but to not realize how hypocritical they truly are. They will create their own destrution, while their victoms sit and watch them fall.
by T3h B0y December 22, 2003
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The killer machine sent into the depths of time to overtake the evil that is Gray Davis and restore political saftey to California...
Arnold: Who is this Gray davis?
Reporter: Well, he is the governor..
Arny:What movie is he in!?
Reporter: He's not in -
Arny: I will kill him!?
by Enter name here _____ November 10, 2003
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