This short phrase means "fuck you" in German
by \m/SIRKA\m/ November 13, 2004
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a bicka bicka in a fick represents two bints caught up in a kangaroo trap, squallaking for a tomatoe.
Barnov: Woah Bint, Would u look at that bicka bicka in a fick over there in the tree.
Biiiiint: Yea phil they are really ficking for that tomatoe
by orangepenguinjakemck February 8, 2019
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call someone a ducking fick head non aggresive form of fucking dick head
pikeys are ducking fick heads
by Bullet March 22, 2004
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German expression meaning "fuck off" or just "fuck you", literally "fuck your knee". The origin of this expression is a pun with the archaic word "Kniefiez", meaning a very avaricious person such as Scrooge McDuck. Therefore, its original meaning was "If you're to cheap for that, you can go and fuck yourself.". However, with time it has become a more general expression that could be used equally well in any other context.
100 Mark für einmal kurz blasen? Fick dich ins Knie!
by Aquifex March 30, 2009
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if u say this u like men
fick it
by fickit August 14, 2021
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