The act of masturbating with both numb hand and penis, giving the effect of watching someone else masturbate.
The logical graduation from a reverse stranger
I was bored on sunday. So after a few drinks, i gave myself a complete stranger. Mate, it is like free gay porn.
by marcus_schmarcus June 22, 2006
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Tori Gregory

She likes oral.
You dated Tori, you admitted dating Tori, and you didn't REGRET ADMITTING you dated Tori. She is a complete mistake.
by Da Brit July 16, 2004
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When you and your partner are holding hands and then proceed to jerk your dick off but without letting go of eachother's hand. For example if you're right handed and your left hand is holding on to your partner's right hand, open the palms up with your fingers still interlocked with each other and then place the hands around your penis and proceed to jerk yourself off.
Last night my girl was trying to be cute by holding hands in bed, before she knew it she was giving me a complete stranger.
by StrawHat323 October 4, 2018
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If my roommate hadn’t walked in on me I would have been able to reach completion to that Insta girl
by Miles B. Free August 8, 2019
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litteral meaning - someone who assed is
crazy meaning - includes the dlc
haha look at this its completely assed asså
by samthemanking April 5, 2017
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