when someone or something can be misleading in a certain situation
Moms pulls into McDonald's

Girl: Hey mom are we goin to eat here?

Mom: No I gotta use the bathroom

Girl: False advertising
by Boredingplainjane July 29, 2010
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Korean Media has labelled Kim Taehyung aka BTS V as the “blue chip in the advertising industry” because of his insane selling power. BTS V well known for his “ethereal visuals” has become a favorite in the advertising world. BTS V boasts a variety of charms with his appearance and is an advertising genius. His ethereal visuals and pleasant personality instantly sell out even the most expensive products.
Advertising Blue Chip Genius BTS V possess a movie-like visual which sells out products instantly.
by kpop crunch May 20, 2021
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A smart move made by a marketer in order to associate the wii with normal everyday teen life.

To make such a word, you first have to take something which relates to teens, say... you use the word "reflexes" for instance. Then you take said word and redefine it into "wii-flexes" and of course you write something positive about the word aswell like "Ungodly reflexes possessed by a wii-player" and there you go!

Now you have a new and kewl word which is likely to be picked up for a bit by all the players of the wii console and redistributed since it's now a fad. Also, you now also have a free advertising channel in the urbandictionary aswell.
dude1: what the hell are all these idiotic "wii" words for?
dude2: I dunno, beats me.

*marketer2 from the word wii-kend strolls by*

Marketer2: Hello, this is a Wii-lly FANTASTIC day guys! take a Wii stroll out and enjoy the sunshine, it's Wii-kked!

*both dudes look at him like he's crazy*

Marketer2: whaat? you don't like my wii-ral advertising campaign? it's the best! and FREE!

*both dude1 and dude2 simultaneously pull out guns and shoot the moronic marketer2 dead on the spot*

Dude1: yeah, so.. uhm, wanna play some Wii at my place?
Dude2: sure, but please don't use any more stupid Wii words alright?
by John Marwin's ghost January 11, 2007
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Any ad and/or commercial containing images or any other form of a seductive nature partially or completely unrelated to the product being marketed.
The Stay Asleep Longer Ads (showing two hot girls in a field playing with eachother's hair) are "Extraneous Seductive Advertisements".
by Good Old Tex June 18, 2011
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That girl you see on an internet ad advertising a product that makes you squeamish from their ugliness. Often advertises clothes.
Well, just about done messing with kids over Facebook... AH!! What on Earth is that creature on the right side of the screen?!

Hah, that would be an Ugly Advertisement Girl. Hide in fear, child.
by SNARF SNARF January 29, 2008
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This effect results in the way the brain works, when viewing any advertisement.

The less relevant the message is to the viewer, the more likely it is for him to start thinking of the products or services he is already using.

This might create a buying decision, but not the one the advertiser is expecting.

Advertising incorrectly can actually stimulates the sales of the advertisers competition.
E.g. Your driving your car and hear a pizza commercial on the radio.

You might think of the advertiser, but if you know this commercial your more likely to ask yourself if your hungry, then if you feel like pizza, and if so, then you'll probably order pizza from your favorite pizza place, which might not be the one that is advertised.

In the end you might even end up buying a burger instead. In this case the commercial just reminded you that you were hungary.

And this is how the mnemonic effect in advertising works
by hqq August 5, 2012
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Discord's largest advertising server, filled with smort cots and dum busses, as well as an android and plane here and there.
If you are staff at Advertise Your Server, you get a free slep pass
by AestheticaI February 4, 2021
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