to engage in aggressive and passionate sexual relations with a guy(s) named Rob.
Oh my God, I got Robbed last night and I feel I got hit by a bus, in a good way!
by ConstructionRobBF June 19, 2011
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Some say an ass with a heart of gold. Others just say he is an ass.
Person 1: You know that guy that burps real loud all the time?
Person 2: Oh, you mean Rob.
by Jack Fresh October 24, 2012
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A dance move that involves you wobbling around, invading peoples personal space with no regard to social status.
Stop doing "The Rob" man, i like my space, and what are people going to think of you now?
by IDoneWantToTellYouMyName May 26, 2010
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someone who enters your life at a time when you weren't even looking, but manages to overtake your entire heart within a matter of minutes. A romantic, smart, strong, sexy man who is not afraid of showing emotion and who appreciates the little things. A man who can make you laugh until you can't breathe. A man anyone would be lucky to call her own. A man whose touch makes everything in life more worthwhile. The love of my entire lifetime.
Kimber: I'm so lucky I have a Rob in my life.

Joanna: You sure are. I've never seen you happier!
by Cricket34 March 21, 2011
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noun- 1. rolling in shit to cover up one's natural human smell; a natural repellent for both animals and humans 2. when one goes on a solo mission for the amusement of only himself and his troop (known to be especially destructive)
3. urinating on the door and door knob of a residence and ringing the door bell to both bring the urine to the attention of the home owner and cause the person to touch the urine residing on the knob.
You guys, matt was definatly robbing this weekend.
by C-whit December 7, 2008
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A sweet man who has the capability to make you smile in even sad situations. Someone with whom you want nothing more than to be in his arms.

It's also said that a Rob has an unusually thick penis.
I was very sad today but then Rob made smile.
by yourbfffff March 9, 2015
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Accronym for Randomly Occurring Boner. Generally the result of a really boring class or being on the verge of sleep.
Dude, in English today the teacher asked me to stand up and give a presentation and when I went to stand up I totally got a ROB.
by Schmales April 8, 2011
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