SUKI (tm) VIP (tm). The top rank attainable in SUKI (tm). SUKI (tm), The New World Religion (tm)
Woah look at that rich guy over there. With all the girls. He must be SUKI (tm) VIP (tm).
by pitz August 26, 2004
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A VIP Dance, also known as a private dance or lapdance occours in the VIP Room in Canadian strip clubs. VIP dances in Canada cost $20 dollars per song. Not to be confused with a table dance.

See, also: Mileage
Stripper: *In thick Romanian accent* Are you ready to go back for VIP dance?

Scott: Maybe later - I just got here.
by Time4SumAksion August 16, 2006
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Society will progress when we abolish human value based colour labels such as 'black' and 'white'

Labels that increase power for the latter and limit power for the former

A non ViP is a non visibly melanated person and one likely to benefit from the human value based colour label 'white'

One who has no 'visible' melanation such as a Chinese national might identify as a non ViP to increase opportunity in acquiring or increasing power
I do not subscribe to human value based colour labels that increase power for non ViP and limit power for ViP
by TBCoU October 10, 2021
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rolling in the back seat of a 1982 corolla, preferrably with wet seats due to the rain.
"look at that noob in the back, he is rollin vip"
by kenji urban December 3, 2007
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A car parked across 2 or more spaces, preferable sideways.
Yo, did you see that Black TL? It's parked VIP.
by co1063 May 29, 2008
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A car in which is perfectly decently looking and a nice daily driver, totally modified to resemble a car a VIP would supposedly drive in. Now, understand that this is the derivative of this style.

Occasionally referred to as Bippy's, modern VIP'd cars are normally just the ricer equivalent of a luxury car. This usually includes a fugly body kit, dropping your ride to the ground using air suspension (ride is horrid), putting huge beveled rims on it, and completely screwing up the camber so that the wheels can actually spin when driving the car. Oh yeah, and it must have at least 4 doors for a "Very Important Person" to fit in the back.

Essientially, a VIP'd car is the opposite of what a Very Important Person would like to be seen in.

Victims of becoming VIP'd usually include the following:

...basically any other JDM import sedan they can get their hands on, along with the occasional Euro car.
Person 1: Yo' ese, you see mah new BIPPY's?
Person 2: What? Oh, your ricer?
Person 1: NO MANG! MAH VIP Cars!
Person 2: There is no way in hell a VIP would ride in those.
Person 1: Man, you've been reading too much of that ST:A crap.
Person 2: Whatever dude, those are just luxury ricers, nothing more. They're uglier than the stock models.
by Macon December 11, 2007
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