titi preasure is when a man or somtimes a woman sucks on a womans titi or breast and creates a large hickie and makes the breast go bright red and the breast will go hard or erect and the nipple will become soft and twirl to the left
matthew could not get a girlfriend so he did his mom and gave her titi preasure
by arien and jamie February 28, 2008
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a person who looks after his people and is always aware of his and his peoples surroundings.. usually someone you'd always want around.
damn everyone is such a Debbie Downer here, where is Titi Monster when we need him.
by SwiTchxTiti March 17, 2011
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A thug-acting suburbanite who talks too much about how much "pussy" he's going to get before parties. Similar to a fuccboi except tity-bois talk about getting busy and emphasize their street/hood mentality way more, even though they grew up in well-off homes. The tity-boi's of the world say "bro" or "breh" excessively, own multiple snapbacks , act tougher than they really are, and believe drake is the best rapper ever. They also tend to drive ford mustangs or dodge chargers bought thanks to daddy's money.
Jake: - "Bros, watch how much fuckin' pussy I'm gonna reel in tonight at this dope ass house party"

Jake's friend: - "Dude, stop being a tity-boi. Everyone knows you're not getting laid tonight."

fuccboi hardo douche
by The OG Tity-Boi May 14, 2016
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a person who loves tites so much they will sitck their head in them and shake it around like a wild animal.
"Man Tom gets laid a lot, but he turns down those flat chested girls, he is a tity mongrel.
by billy joe jenkjins January 9, 2008
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titi attack when someone gets overwhelmingly angry or upset. Throwing a tantrum.
I almost got a titi attack when i saw my messy house
by Carolina Patricia November 10, 2008
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When you rub the clit and lick the tits Simultaneously
Bro I clity-tityed my dog so hard last night
by AdamNeedsCrocs April 27, 2019
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