It is the word to describe something cool or "rad". Mainly used when high
"that is legitness"
by Teamsaucesome November 28, 2016
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short for legitimate. In the context of video games such as Diablo, that which is described by the adjective has been obtained without cheating or hacking.
There is no such thing as a legit Constricting Ring. -Diablo 2
by Rakeri August 12, 2003
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1. Short for the word legitimate, not fake. The real deal.

2. It can refer to something as high quality, stellar, or top notch. Saying that party was legit does not mean the same as saying that party was cool. Legit adds on more value to the context by expressing the fact that the party may have involved great music, beautiful women, and an overall great time and in no such way was a let down.

3. Legit can also in context to refer to a good deal.
1. "These nike's are legit, not that bullshit you find off the internet."

3. "Yo I traded my shitty pokemon cards for 5 holographics."

"That's legit yo!"
by Fresherthantherest October 26, 2013
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1) Being real and not being a poser, a fake, or a fraud.
2) The team from Stephen F. Austin High School that owned at the DECA Pasadena trip in all the events. The legit team went undefeated at all the events, completed them the fastest, and even made a baloon and people started saying our name.
Oh man Will, Mark, Tony, Paige, Andrew, Joesph, Brittany, and two other girls totally owned the competion. Legit is the #1 DECA Team! UH-RAH!
by SFADECA October 23, 2007
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An annoying word that everybody and their freaking grandma uses.
(person a): man, this jacket is totally legit.

(person b): shut up.
by mmmppphhh. November 9, 2009
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When something has a specific amount of how legit it actually is
That website has so much legitness.
by Dr. Pepper, James June 3, 2010
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