To appear visibly sullen or disgruntled.
"What's the matter with Gerald? He's got a right pug-on"
by gavween February 3, 2007
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The act of wanting to punch and hug the one you love cause you're pissed but sad
Gf-I just hit my head three times and blacked out
Bf-I wanna pug you now
by Aztrid_579 September 20, 2021
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the cutest dog in the wold and loves to cuddle with there owners and are great with baby's and kids
by pug sunny February 14, 2019
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ugly ass dog with a smooshed face that snorts a not buy one.
dont buy an ugly ass pug.pit bulls are much cuter and less annoying.
by ARAS May 31, 2008
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A Person of Unidentifiable Gender; pretty much those she-men you see walking down the street in baggy clothes and if you have to converse with them you avoid using geneder specific pronouns to avoid embaressment.
Speaker A: Hey, look at that dude coming up the street!
Speaker B: No way man, thats a chick.
Speaker A: PUG!
Speaker B: Good call.
by Ben le renard July 11, 2006
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a boxer that has had his face mangled due to lack of deffensive skills
by Anonymous August 21, 2003
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To gulp; derived from the sound of liquid pouring from a bottle, commonly used in reference to alcoholic drinks.
Nah, I'm gonna skip the party and pug some beers at home tonight.
by braincube September 11, 2005
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