When a man ejaculates just outside of a woman's vagina, then proceeds to plow his penis swiftly and unexpectedly into her vagina, pushing the cum inside. May result in injury upon both ends.
"Dave, Sarah's in the hospital!"
"Yeah, John gave her a Palauan Snow Plow last night."
by Skinny_Bones December 2, 2019
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A small penis doing a much bigger penis’ job.
Met this big chick at a bar, had a few drinks and then I gave her the German City Snow Plow
by AlwaysAGas March 7, 2021
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When 11 bearcats bend over the bench and coach plows frozen footballs lace deep… anally
Behind every Ohio loss is a cincinnati snow plow for punishment.
by Chody pokes January 8, 2023
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The act of stuffing your partner's anal cavity with copious amounts of cocaine while fucking their ass then you take your shitty coke covered dick and throat fuck her to cumpletion.
I know you enjoy giving your girl the Pennsylvania Snow Plow, but did you have to use all the cocaine?
by CHETvonCHETSKI February 20, 2023
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The act of a man sitting on top of a women's face getting his ass ate, "down unda", while simultaneously titty fucking her.
Dude you wouldn't believe what my girl and I tried! I gave her the Australian Snow Plow and she did not leave disappointed!

Make sure to shower before we get it on tonight, I want you to give me the ol' Australian Snow Plow baby!
by Stinky Bhole June 20, 2024
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To get plowed or drunk when it is snowing out.
Student 1: Dude tomorrows classes are cancelled.

Student 2: YES! Lets get snow plowed tonight
by UconnHusky69 February 29, 2012
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Brah, I just hooked up with a dude with a big dick and big bag of blow... I'm about to go get snow plowed!
by Crownie420 July 16, 2014
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