People that love animals. But hate Steve Irwin. PETA needs help. Because they aren’t helping animals. They are just hurting Steve Irwin. Everybody loves Steve Irwin. So back off PETA and your stupid logo cause nobody supports you. Btw I hope that sting ray hurts you guys.
PETA: “duck you Steve”
Steve Irwin: “dies from sting ray attack”
Whole world:”Fuck you PETA!”
by aninomoussss March 31, 2019
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Stupid people, who believe that hurting animals in anyway is murder even though the euthanised 10000 HEALTHY animals since 1999.
“Why is PETA so stupid? - Friend 1
“They lie” - Friend 2
by absolutelol November 3, 2019
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Peta stands for people euthanizing tons of animals.
Peta is also known for being cancer and being a waste of resources and time
Fuck Peta
by Es the big box March 2, 2019
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Your no a vegetarian if you belong to PETA
by Janyia September 3, 2006
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People Eat Tasty Animals
most ppl think peta is against killin animals but u know wats up.
by uknowwatsup January 19, 2008
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Pornstars for the ethical treatment of animals
Dude #1: Did you know that Jenna Jameson is a supporter of PETA?

Dude #2: No wonder why they call it "PETA"!!!!!!
by Rosi Faulds September 17, 2009
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A group of people who has went on to push stupidity to it’s peak.

They are what you would expect from ignorant, delusional morons who thinks everything they do is right. But wait! Theres more, they have these “Go vegan” ads that makes little to no sense at all

It’s so stupid, its kinda funny actually
Random PETA advertisement: If you wouldn’t eat your dog. Why eat a turkey?

Normal human being: i seriously don’t get it
by Greasebacon March 22, 2018
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