Being sent some sort of message that contains only the word "fag."

Intended to make your friends feel stupid about themselves. Ideally used in gchat, where you send the message and then instantly sign off so the person cannot respond, or in text messages from someone else's phone where the number is not recognizable. Various other very creative forms of 'fagging' are emerging worldwide.
"Who texted you?"
"I don't know, man. I just got fagged."

"Hey, can you fag my friend for me?"
"Yeah, give me the number.... Ok, I fagged that bitch hella bad!"

"Fisher, you mean to tell me you got a letter in the mail that just said 'fag.' in it?"
"Yeah, I got snail mail fagged"
by Moopers April 1, 2008
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Fag (fӑg) n.
1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.
2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.
A person rides by on a Harley Davidson motorcycle, revving their engine loudly.
A person observing: What a fag!
by cantchooseaname March 3, 2021
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(verb) - to act in a homosexual (faggish) manner.

past tense: fagged
present tense: fagging
"dont fag on us!"
"nick just fagged on the light pole."
"nick is fagging on the computer."
by joe_momma20108765343 March 23, 2010
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a number of homosexual persons. also a britsh term for a smokes
look at all those fags there's a lot fo gay going on over there . or look at john he's smoking a fag. Man i thought john was gay but i mean come on sleeping all those fags that's kinda pushing it if you know what i mean
by flip December 7, 2002
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It is a shortcut for :

Fantastic and Great ( FAG )

- Hey what do you think about that whatever?!

- It is really FAG !! from where did you get it ??
by -{ H.D. ]- December 28, 2007
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"Giz a fag man, g'waaaaaaaaaan"
by influx August 18, 2002
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Guy1:Wow that guy is being a fag

Guy2: Yea I swear I want to just want him to crash into a wall the damn noise is so annoying.

Guy1: Damn man chill out
by Okhidude432 December 3, 2019
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