The darkest, the craziest, the most ninja of all ninjas to live. Foluké, he would round house kick you from Reading to China. He invented the round house kick and other ninjas stole it like Bruce Lee and Chuck Noris, these guys have nothing on Foluké.
Shit! Can you see that?
See what?
Its that Ninja! He calls himself Foluké
Oh yeh! What a bad ass mother fucker!
by Macaroon 555 May 1, 2010
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Abbreviation for No Income, No Job Assests.
"damn i screwed myself over when i married that ninja!"
by GTFO . December 22, 2008
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VERB: this is the verb tense of ninja. to ninja is to do an extraordinary feat that would require the skill of a ninja.
guy 1: "dude i totally ninja'd up that pole to get to my balcony"

guy 2: "how?"

guy 1: "been watching ninja warrior"
by Ramsey K December 27, 2007
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Practitioner of a martial art developed as a means of countering Samurai military power and monopoly of single-edged swords. Erroneously thought by many to have evolved in Japan. Revealed in "Batman Begins" to actually be practiced way up in the mountains in Tibet, thus rendering Ninjas safe from any surprise attacks from the Samurai, who did not live in China.
Hello Bruce Wayne! I am an Irish Ninja living in the Himalayas, and I am here to teach you to be Batman!

WTF? You aren't going to burn down dad's mansion, are you, you crazy lamestain?
by Juan Non-lamestain August 2, 2008
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This word is NOT a replacement for Nigga or a safe word for a whiteboy,Insane Clown Posse use this word as a term for a real ninja,a silent dealy assassin,they use the term in a song that is about what it would be like to be a ninja
Damn I wish I could be a ninja
by adproof July 26, 2006
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NINGA (Notorious Infiltrating Negging Jump-Root A.I) is an artificial intelligence that is tasked with sending the LIGMA virus (Lung Inflammation -by- Gas Molecules Ascending) into the mass of the mainstream media. Since his rise in the Twitch community, the developers of NINGA (Epic Games) has taken his simple programming language into massive effect in the summer of 2018. It wasn't revealed that the NINJA A.I had such bad intentions until then. When a user revealed his plan to spread a virus named LIGMA (the name was given by the user, the developer didn't actually name the virus LIGMA). Since its discovery, taxonomists classify the virus under the BOFA variant and named the method used by Epic Games as SUGMA. Epic Games have made many revisions to NINJA's code, such as making a swear firewall, automatic removal of hate, and negging increase. Though NINJA may be the first, he is not the only A.I Epic Games have programmed. ALI-A (Analysis Lucrative Infection - A.I) has been tasked to see how the internet would react to the LIGMA virus to be revealed without a name or a description. TSM_MYTH, (Malicious Youtube Twitch Host) is the A.I. programmed to see what would happen if a LIGMA host was accepted by the community. NINJA has admitted on a Wired video that he has a double, without evil intent, and that his double is actually the one streaming (since NINJA is an A.I.)
Person 1: I just watched Ninja, he is so good at Fortnite. The other day on his stream he hit this epic scar sho...
Person 2: You have been infected by NINJA. You have the disease.
by Heckin’HeckHeckers December 29, 2018
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A slang term, made famous by the rap group the Insane Clown Posse, meaning Homie, or freind
Juggalo 1: What up, Ninja?
Juggalo 2: Not Much,Homie, Got some Faygo?
by Matt Stegall June 20, 2007
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