v., slang. To perform an action that is considered rude or asinine by the person to whom it is done. Such actions usually (but not exclusively) fall into three categories:

1) To clearly lie to, to bullshit.

2) To fuck with, screw with, harass.

3) To suck up to or kiss the ass of in an obvious, belligerent manner.
1) "Did you know that the word 'red' comes from the Indian word for 'blood'?" "I'm a linguist, you idiot. Don't butter my ass." 2) "You fucking suck at bocci." "Andrew, it's a friendly game of ball-throwing, there's no need to butter my ass." 3) "You are a god and I worship you." "I just MET you two minutes ago, so you can stop buttering my ass."
by Okzoz August 1, 2011
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1. interjection - used to insult someone. equivalent to fuck off, fuck you, kiss my ass, etc
2. interjection - used to tell someone to rim you, or perform oral sex on your anus hole, also known as anilingus
1. He kept fucking with me so I told him to eat my ass.
2. Hey baby, for something knew, can you eat my ass?
by SanSavior August 7, 2017
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Reference to a high maintenance person, usually used in response to a demanding, needy, or high maintenance request. Lets the person making the demands know that they are being high maintenance, without directly saying so. Can be used in the third person as well, to assert that someone was being high maintenance or demanding. Refers to the fact that the demands and neediness make it "all about me," with "me" being "my ass," similar to phrasing such as "his ass better hurry over here" or "my ass will not be attending that party."
In response to, "I need you to come over and put my laundry in the drawers because I just did my nails, and I don't want to mess them up," one would say "Well, look at my ass!"
by missdchlady March 24, 2011
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When someone is really annoying you.
Mum: Hey Dave do the dishes!
Friend: Man your mom is giving you heaps to do
Dave: Yeah she's been 'up in my ass' all day
by Dogdevourer February 25, 2008
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A figurative expression of rage.
"I showed my ass at the airport yesterday when they canceled my flight to Denver"
by Dr. Jodi M February 10, 2010
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