When you sense you lady friend is about to flatulate in the act of cunnilingus, reach your hand between her loins open palmed and gently press against her bum hole, and control the release of wind at your discretion.
Jake: "I can't go down on my wife after Taco Tuesday, if you know what I mean."
Matt: "Yo, you gotta play the muffled trumpet. Works wonders with Lexi. She loves it."
Jake: "Just get up in there?"
Matt: "I straight Miles Davised Lexi last Tuesday. Just take it into your own hands. Pun intended."
by bboymono January 29, 2015
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To gag on a penis or to choke on a penis or to get stuffed with a penis
by your boi JONATHAN October 2, 2007
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When you are getting a rim job and your partner drops a butt sneeze in your mouth.
Greg: Alex's breath smells terrible today.
Heather: Yeah, he got a muffled trombone last night.
by darrenpowell187 August 19, 2015
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The lesbian blue guy with a gem on her cheek from Muffiqute verse
Man, Muffles about to get the shit fucked out of her by Periqute
by Toasterwire0838 June 17, 2024
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The snout or muzzle of a dog, given this word because dogs cannot talk.
Spanky has a 4” Cocoa muffle.
by Deez Nuts83 April 29, 2021
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Also known as a snout or muzzle on a dog. This definition is called this word because dogs cannot talk.
Spanky has a 4” muffle.
by Deez Nuts83 April 29, 2021
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