something you blow the smoke from your weed into so the room doesnt smell like weed. usually its a smal bag with dryer sheets in it.
He took a huge hit off the bong and used the mojo to keep the room smelln good
by almost March 24, 2005
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mojo is something more then a swagg
this girl is my swagg but this gurl is my mojo
by jelly bean 09 August 4, 2009
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someone/something of total awesomeness and indifference
"dude, youre sooo mojo!"
by expederbie February 18, 2009
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a nickname
*first name Molly
*middle name Jordan
by MoJo April 29, 2004
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jive talk in urban american more often in New Orlens
black guy in coffe shop getting the waitress attention.....hey gimme some mo joe
by Dennis D. August 23, 2005
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"Mojo Pin" is the first song on Jeff Buckley's 1994 album Grace. It was written by Jeff Buckley and Gary Lucas, and was first introduced on his EP, Live at Sin-é. Buckley stated that the song was about a dream of a black woman. Through a wash of bizarre images, the lyrics convey a feeling of addiction, either to drugs or a person. In Jeff's words, "Sometimes if somebody you feel you need... the whole universe tells you that you have to have her, you start watching her favorite TV shows all night, you start buying her the things she needs, you start drinking her drinks, you start smoking her bad cigarettes, you start picking up her nuances in her voice, you sleep in safe sometimes the most dangerous thing... this is called Mojo Pin." (Astoria, London, UK, 18/01/95)
Mojo Pin is a good song
by CRecords April 9, 2011
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Mojo Claw is a backwoods brew that makes you “walk a little funny and makes your breath smell funky”. It is referenced in the 1971 song, Ko-Ko Joe written by Jerry Reed.
He eats monkey mean mashed potatoes he drunk a brew called the Mojo Claw. - Jerry Reed, Ko-Ko Joe
by Steve E89 November 24, 2019
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