to name something in a lame way
asteroid belt is as generic as you'll get if you're gonna be laming things
by ranbro March 13, 2011
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A characteristic exhibited by persons who are boring, unadventerous, and prone to censoring the expresions of others.
Wow, those editors sure are lame, they wouldn't even post my awesome definition of uga!
by Donny August 8, 2005
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Members of society that just dont get it. Lames will never understand why their car was stolen or understand the importance of properly rolling up.
These lames today remind me of Al Bundy, always trying to wife a fat bitch and sell women's shoes the rest of their miserable lives.
by dru9000 February 11, 2011
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An expression used to cut people off when they are talking about something uninteresting or you just feel like being a douche.
- Hey dude I just got this--
- I just got--
-*cries then commits suicide*
by FISHYFOO February 15, 2010
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Something that is extremely boring or bad; something that appears to be the source of all lameness. See the suck.
"These graphics suck, this game is totally the lame."
by Seph November 5, 2002
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To drink large quantities of alcohol and sing 90's pop songs until the wee morning hours, usually with only one other person. Also used to describe making drunken decisions to do shots.
**also see "bad decisions"
"Oh man I am so tried me and Janet were up all night drinking and signing Madonna."
"Damn Laverne, sounds like you got lamed!"
by bizdoggette June 7, 2016
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