When a man is standing up holding a girl upside down doing a 69 and when he ejaculates he releases her droping her onto her head.
I gave my bitch a drunken monkey last nite, knock her out cold
by Alex September 25, 2004
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After a night of heavy drinking with your friends. You find yourself in a horizontal position discovering that the chick on top of you is not as beautiful as she was an hour ago. You then proceed to discretely place your pillow on top of your face, quickly covering the monstrosity currently riding your phallus.
Man, thank god he pulled the drunken pillow last night, he would have been scared for life had he seen the way that bitch looked.
by ClarenceGG May 25, 2008
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A slutty, drunk, older, slightly trashy looking woman at the bar looking to pick up younger men.
Bro, is that your mom at the end of the bar acting like a drunken clam?
by beast_is_wild May 3, 2009
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Broad term used to describe something that is undersized for it's needed use. Usually used to describe another object...drunken midget bathtub, drunken midget shower stall, drunken midget closet.
I tried to take a shower at their house, but their shower was designed for a drunken midget.
by Casey Mayfield March 3, 2007
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extreme state of intoxication of people of German descent. A
overly drunk German, usually falls asleep upright and thinks that nobody is partying quite enough. A circus would be the perfect backround for the taste of excess of drunken nazi.
"My friend Bernard has become the drunken nazi again after playing drinking games for a few hours"
"Beware of my friend he's a drunken nazi"
by tyler blair November 3, 2006
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Playing a video game in a state of intoxication by consumption of alcohol to a degree that your video game skills are noticeably impaired. This is usually done with a group of friends and an offline multiplayer game.
"Let's play a game at my place, I've got loads of beer in the fridge."
"Good idea, sounds like another night of drunken gaming."
by Pilcrepus January 29, 2008
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One who displays actions of extreme drunken dumbassness and or bitch assness while inebriated, especially in such settings as a fraternity house.
Drunken dumbass-Allie Sargeant
by a_dub21 October 7, 2008
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