The sound of invading squid-girl
This beach will be mine, de geso.
by ikaanon April 27, 2011
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a term used when things go wrong, particularly in the world of IT/networks.
to pull a "de sando"
"all the computers are off, we've been de sando'd"
by joker10001 January 20, 2010
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A joke made by someone that literally no one laughs at.
That joke was a Des joke it fucking sucked
by Mr bonar DUI October 25, 2017
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de Stafford is a shit hole in Caterham full of dickheads. this shit hole could also be referred to as a school.
she comes from de stafford - what a shit hole
by luulaalii January 15, 2012
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Okay, you have just farted. Don't make it worse!

Stop trying to reproduce the sound with scratching the floor with your shoe or with a fake cough - it is not gonna work.
It is time to accept the betrayal of your own butt and move forward.

De Farto.
Gosh, did you hear that guy at the library?!
-Yeah! I doubted first it was him, but when he started to fake cough, I knew it was him!
..."de farto"
by Mr.Putin November 11, 2011
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Hitten up that DE.
by Zero October 22, 2003
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When a heterosexual male gets sexually and/or romantically involved with a lesbian/gay woman. Derives from New York City mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, whose wife is a lesbian.
Jay: Dude, I pulled a de blasio last night
by thegreatrock December 18, 2013
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