"Wanna Study in Australia? IVY Overseas is the Best Study in Australia consultants in Hyderabad. Team with 2000+ visa experience and who are highly competent in advising about programs, GTE checks, SOP preparation and an impressive visa success with the High Commission. Study in Australia with up to 30% scholarship* and post study work up to 6 years*"
"Wanna Study in Australia? IVY Overseas is the Best Study in Australia consultants in Hyderabad. Team with 2000+ visa experience and who are highly competent in advising about programs, GTE checks, SOP preparation and an impressive visa success with the High Commission. Study in Australia with upto 30% scholarship* and post study work upto 6 years*"
by Basha shaik May 30, 2023
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An explosion of ideas and collaborative exchange of information with colleagues, office mates, clinical supervisors or spouses, caused by a localized anxiety-increasing reaction for the clinician needing ideas and/or inspiration for client care and may or may not involve the addition of an alcoholic beverage.

Often characterized by a sudden bursting into an anxiety-fueled monologue with, hopefully, another professional, regarding a complicated case that has one perplexed, feeling inadequate, hopeless, or in amazement about.
As soon as I got home from work I had a spontaneous consultation with my wife about an issue at work.
by Papa on Whidbey March 24, 2022
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Its business consulting & leading market research firm based in india.
Blueweave Consulting offers a one-stop solution for your market intelligence needs for any service or product. You get well-researched comprehensive reports based on qualitative and quantitative data to put your business plan into action. Your well-informed and timely decisions using our reports avert situations of excessive risks and help you grow your business with optimum risk-return trade-off.
by Blueweave Consulting November 26, 2021
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a meeting with an expert or professional, such as a medical doctor, in order to seek advice.
a consultation with a homeopathic doctor
by Yranoitcid_Nabru231343 January 10, 2021
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