The incredible amount of self advertisement/promotional fliers that fall out of a Playboy magazine after initial opening.
Man A: "Dude! Just got my new Playboy!"
Man B: "Nice! Why did all of those papers just come flying out??"

Man A: "Oh, that's nothing, just Playboy Confetti."
by SeymourVS June 23, 2010
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Confetti in the Serengeti is when you're fucking a stripper from Arizona's ass and the glitter gets in your dick and you nut confetti in her Serengeti.
I put the confetti in the serengeti in Krystle's spageddy bois.
by cornydick July 14, 2019
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When you go to a little kids birthday party and cum in his or hers

That kids getting a confetti cum cake this year.
by slapyodaddy February 21, 2018
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The act of ramming confetti down a girls shaft approximatively 4 inches, and the girl then proceeds to let a massive queef propel the confetti out of her snatch.
Dude that Thai Confetti launcher propelled that confetti a good 4 feet!
by friarJawn February 17, 2011
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When you cum in a girl's ass and she farts it back on your face.
1: Yo I got that gassy blowback last night.
2: Dude I love confetti cannons.
by Demon Dickin February 6, 2016
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During a party at a work convention in which Sir Mix-A-Lot was performing, I blasted a confetti cannon.
by jk63 March 5, 2016
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When a few day old black or gray ink tattoo reaches the peeling stage, the flakes of colored skin left behind after sleeping, changing clothes, etc.
When Cis went to bed, she saw the emo confetti she'd left that morning and remembered to put lotion on her tattoo.
by Centri October 23, 2008
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