Creepy Older Dude
The ones who look at their teenage daughters' friends in a sketchy way. The ones who give "too long" neck rubs to interns.
Watch out for CODs at the beach - leering at you behind their sunglasses, thinking their wives don't notice.
by Sam 18015 December 27, 2017
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A type of fish and not a violent game : /
Hey son let's catch some Cod
by Makeysa December 23, 2022
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Reference is from the Spinal Tap album 'Break like the wind'
Make it cash on delivery if you're gonna do business with me, let's keep it strictly c - o - d
by Andy December 16, 2003
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mr fish and chips man, can i have a large portion of cod please, with chips. thanks.
by David D. Davegay November 5, 2003
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Having testicles.
I'll give you $65 for that billy goat, it' the heaviest codded one I have ever seen.
by harry flashman July 17, 2003
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Slang term in the UK, meaning 'bad'
Yeah., can't believe how cod that was!
by And. July 19, 2018
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