Is when a woman stands behind a man an reaches around an jerks him off. While the man is in the....

freeze put your hands in the air position
Man my girl came behind me outside at the party an gave me a wrap around beat down.
by bigggdeee1 February 25, 2018
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Super Power Beat Down is a live action web series focused on bringing two fighters from assorted media into battle against each other. The victors are decided by popular vote.
Machinima and Bat in the Sun's web series "Super Power Beat Down" takes two super-powered legends and makes them battle. Experts Marisha Ray, Jennifer Wegner, Damian Beurer and Andy Liegl battle with their sci-fi/fantasy knowledge and comic wit to determine who they think the winner will be - however, the fans have the final say.
by The Centurion December 27, 2014
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Remember that girl from biology class? I totally gave her the ol' beef knuckle beat down.
by long strongrod December 7, 2010
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When two players in the game of halo simultaneously melee each other resulting in the death of both players.
(Player1) Oh man did you see that? (Player 2) What? (Player1) Its a Double meat beat down.
by Eppi dont! December 26, 2011
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When a group of friends wants to completely humiliate and pummel a fellow Taunton citizen, there is one way we find most enjoyable. We begin by throwing said person into a circle of friends and smacking them hard until they cry or otherwise run away to escape the blows of said friends.
This process is usually enjoyable for the objective third party members who observe or the people doing the beatings.
The person being smacked usually does not take pleasure in this activity.
Bob: "TTBD on B" (T-town beat down on Billy)
Friends:"ya. lets do it. he is fun to smack and make cry. mawahaha"
**Billy gets pushed into a mosh pit like setting, but with no music and is unable to escape the smacks of his fellow Tauntonians.**
Billy: *cries* "This isn't funny!" *runs away*
friends: *laugh*
by J-Diz in the Hizhouse December 12, 2008
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