To sausage missile another person is to gently thrust your pelvic region against their body while walking past. This is best performed in crowded locations like bars. Points are earned based on the location of the missile landing. IE: A hand is worth more than a leg. Catching someone tying their shoe is near priceless.
Mick totally sausage missiled Sarah's hand while walking towards the bathroom.
by J-Zahs February 27, 2008
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When a male’s semen shoots out in a linear fashion and with a massively increased projectile velocity
Person 1: dude she’s the one.

Person 2: how can you be sure?

Person 1: when I jerked off to her, I pulled a micro missile.
by Cuntbag_g September 1, 2019
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An addon for Garry's Mod. Consists of a bullet floating over the player's left index finger. The player fires this weapon by pointing to where the bullet should go. When hit, an NPC flies straight up into the air, and explodes shortly after.
Dr. Kleiner got owned with an OMG missile
by ThePotato June 13, 2011
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When a snot projectile is ejected as a result of sneezing.
Brad's nose missile barely missed hitting Rita's blouse.
by Bob Velvetta June 11, 2017
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A Skin Missile is a euphemism for an erection.
Watching Marie in her cheerleader uniform left me with a raging Skin Missile!
by Mudknuckle Circus December 3, 2013
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