15 definitions by wickedNH

crazy Mass. driver, or any other person from Mass. (Term usually used by people in NH)
by wickedNH February 6, 2004
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Means So do I... silly ungrammatical New England residents.
~I love tupac shakur's music.

"OH so don't it!"
by wickedNH February 6, 2004
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The Red Sox's home park. Located in Boston, MA. Small but it is HOME. With the green giant, hell yeah! GO SOX!

(ahem...YANKEES or shall i say SKANKEES SUCK!)
I'm going to fenway for the game tonight, i'll get a fenway frank, and sit in the grandstands, but i can still see Wolly!
by wickedNH February 6, 2004
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A steamed hot dog from Fenway Park (they do sell them instores now too) VERY GOOD.
-- what do you want for dinner?
-- a fenway frank and a pretzel.
by wickedNH February 6, 2004
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1. A small cup of ice cream, the kind that comes with a flat wooden spoon (from H.P. Hood, the dairy that sells them). KC Black reports: "Part of their charm was on finishing them you'd suck and then fold the wooden spoon risking splintahs from the folded wood.
Mom i want a hoodsie for dessert.
by wickedNH February 6, 2004
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Decked or Decked out, Dressed nicely. or liked "pimped out"
1. Man you got all decked out for the dance

2. You decked your car all out
by wickedNH February 6, 2004
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