28 definitions by whitey

A word which has two meanings so that you can use it to get out of lying.
Definition 1: To have sex with.
Definition 2: To be turned down by a girl when moving in for a kiss.
Larson: So, how did the date go?
Ted: She Spilked me!
Larson: Sweeeeet!
by whitey October 2, 2003
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fixing - fi(x)in(g) - getting ready to take action
I'm fi'in to throw down on that muh!
by whitey September 15, 2003
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One who needs to clear one's throat.
Shit Ja Rule, swallow, cough, do something.
by whitey January 31, 2005
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Similar to the 'Hot Carl' sexual maneuver, where one partner defecates in the other's mouth.
Brent straightlined his domestic partner Brad.
by whitey August 20, 2003
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When a guy gets really upset at small things, which generally lead to the shouting of an extended flow of curse words. Such is my problem. Plus it's a lot easier than "hulking up"
Theater Attendant: I'm sorry, but we are out of twizzlers.
Me: Motherfuckingshitwhorecockwranglingjizzdonkeylovingaffleckmonkeywang.
Theater Attendant: Oh wait, I found some.
Me: Score!
by whitey October 2, 2003
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