5 definitions by wemakewords...


Easy to compliment
The person can be given lots of compliments- they are good at lots
"You're very complimentive".
"You're so complimentive".
by wemakewords... April 26, 2022
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Leon is a type of chameleon that no one has come across and hates its own name.
by wemakewords... April 26, 2022
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Doja Cat

Literal queen.
Rapper, singer.
She's 'Juicy' and can 'Mooo' like a cow.
"Doja Cat is my idol and a queen"
by wemakewords... April 26, 2022
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Charlie Spring

Masculine guys can be gay.” -Charlie Spring
by wemakewords... June 13, 2022
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A sexual word people call their S/O.
by wemakewords... June 13, 2022
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