26 definitions by weirdgirl

The greatest form of writing to ever exist. It is the only true thing that shows how much freedom we're supposed to be having in the USA. However, dumbasses like George W. Bush have never even looked at it and conservatives think they can change it around to meet their own selfish needs and beliefs.
Too bad our president isn't doing things that are said in the Constitution.
by weirdgirl August 20, 2003
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Preventing details of songs, movies, or any other form of entertainment that parents think is obsene. This ruins many movies/television shows because many things like gore, sex, violence, swears, gay relationships, drug useage, and other things are completely left out. Also, censorship is responsible for starting many useless parent groups that try to prevent anyone under the age of 18 from listening to music with profanity, watching movies, or watching TV. In other words, censorship needs to stop NOW!
Two of the parent groups that are for censorship, the PMRC (which is anti-music) and The White Dot (which is anti-television) have to be the most pointless, worthless organizations ever, right up there with Right-to-lifers and PETA.
by weirdgirl August 25, 2003
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Hypocritical asshole who thinks that he/she can stop the killings of "poor, innocent animals" by harming humans and being a bitch until they get their way. In other words, someone with smaller intellegence.
Because she was an animal rights activist, Emma became known to everyone as "The world's bitch".
by weirdgirl August 8, 2003
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A disease that affects the brain, making the person who has it shake around unless they are on medication.
Stem cell research can help people with Parkinsons, but that idot Bush and those dumbfucking Conservatives won't let stem cells be used for treatment.
by weirdgirl June 26, 2003
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A terrorist who believes that if he/she blows up a Planed Parenthood clinic they will go to Heaven when they die, but killing abortion doctors is murder too (so they are becoming what they hate.) Many of them are preppies.
Anti-abortionists are the largest group of criminals in the United States and are the reason for the most bombings in the country.
by weirdgirl June 14, 2003
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In the Church of Reality we have one belief: if it is true, then we believe it.
by weirdgirl August 9, 2003
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A woman who usually wears jeans and tennis shoes, drives a mini-van with a little Jesus fish on the back, and is partly responsible for keeping violent shows off TV and C.D.s with cursings out of the music store. They frequently protest anything that they think will "harm" children and act like pinko commie bastards.
by weirdgirl June 14, 2003
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