8 definitions by vicimgd

A slacker that apparently doesn't have anything better to do than sit around with their hand in their pants.
They may also think they're really effing awesome, despite the fact that they clearly can't get a job. In extreme cases, they somehow believe that they'll manage to finish college.

Not a stoner, but enjoys snuggies and being nude.
"Today, I don't feel like doing anything."
"Good for you, Bruno Mars."
by vicimgd September 12, 2011
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a small amount; a little bit. can be a noun by itself or an adverb describing size, distance, or magnitude.

pronounced /skōsh/ or /skōch/. shortened from the Japanese "sukoshi" (pronounced /skō shē/).

more properly spelled "skosh," less properly "scosh" or "scoch."
Scooch over a skoch, wouldja?

"More pie?" "Oh, just a skoch."

I'm a skoch tired tonight.
by vicimgd July 3, 2018
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a less rude way to say "shit!" (darn, shiste, etc. are the same)
often "shiznits"
"Aw, shiznit!"
by vicimgd May 22, 2009
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The term cotton ceiling refers to the difficulty trans people experience when seeking lesbian and gay relationships, and in lesbian and gay social spaces more generally. A play on the similar term "glass ceiling", the term was coined by Canadian trans woman and activist Drew DeVeaux.
The cotton ceiling, in short, makes the point that there are certain cis lesbians who are using their sexuality as a way to deny trans women’s womanhood. It’s not about coercing them, it’s not about saying you can’t have sex with only people you want to have sex with, its not about corrective rape or conversion therapy. It’s literally just a name for the concept of using your sexuality as a way of denying trans women’s womanhood; ie “I would never have sex with a trans woman, I’m a lesbian and don’t like men”.
by vicimgd June 21, 2019
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The National Organization for Marriage, a right-wing group that believes only heterosexual couples should have the right to get married and that all homosexuals should either enter therapy or become chaste.
"NOM's having another political rally next week."
by vicimgd October 16, 2011
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Someone who the doctor/parents assumed was a boy when they were born (also known as assigned male at birth or AMAB) but has since discovered they're actually a woman.
Erica used to think she was a man, and that her discomfort with her body was just something she had to get over. Now that she's living as a trans woman, she's much happier and more comfortable.
by vicimgd June 21, 2019
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Another (more cumbersome) way to say "trans woman." Someone who the doctor/parents assumed was a boy when they were born (also known as assigned male at birth or AMAB) but has since discovered they're actually a woman.
Yeah, you could call me a transgender female, but that sounds kind of clinical, and a lot of people that use that kind of phrasing are being dismissive or derogatory, so I prefer trans woman.
by vicimgd June 21, 2019
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