8 definitions by tufs

SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function.
Generates a 256-bit signatur for a text.
Used in Bitcoin "proof-of-work" (PoW)
1. The Bitcoin protocol uses the SHA-256 function for this purpose
2. So how is the lucky node decided on? It is the node that solves the block by finding a special input to the SHA256 hash function.
3. The Bitcoin address described at length earlier in this book is actually a hash of the public key, using the SHA256 and RIPEMD160 hash functions.
by tufs October 6, 2021
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The definition this sentence is time to rail some random daughter and time to escape right after you've done it
1. Are your ready for this party? At the end of the part let's just "rail and bail"
by tufs October 6, 2021
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Defined-contribution (DC) retirement plans allow employees to invest pre-tax dollars in the capital markets where they can grow tax-deferred until retirement.

Simpler Explained: A defined contribution plan is a common workplace retirement plan in which an employee contributes money and the employer typically makes a matching contribution

Essentially, they are retirement plans that companies may offer as a benefit in which you, your employer or both make contributions on a regular basis.
The most common examples of defined-contribution plans are the 401(k) and the 403(b).
by tufs October 6, 2021
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The programming language based of Ethereum for developing smart contracts
1. The really coolest parts of ethereum and Solidity come from smart-contracts that interact with Oracles, and smart-contracts that talk and act amongst each other using “messages” (DAO’s).
by tufs October 6, 2021
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1. Love towards the boys
2. Spoontime in bed
3. Kissing the boys
Guttastemning is basically defined as the boys vibe
by tufs October 6, 2021
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Being under the influence of alcohol.

Could be used as another word for drunk.
"You were so gege yesterday, like, you fell down the stairs four times in an hour."
by tufs October 6, 2021
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