42 definitions by trinkbar_trina

A family which people insist on pronouncing their names wrong due to lack of culture!
people pronounce it wolidge! when it is pronounced volasg'he!

so this word WOLIDGE means someone who is uncultured and cannot accept something new and interesting!
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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Something you say which is a modern form of crimey, gosh, yikes, and all those other famous five type words lol.
When I first met my mate Rich he said to me "Baby Jesus and his adopted sisters" what have I let myself in for getting to know you lol, or cerrrrrrrazy!
and I thought your propa posh right? lol, but hes a laugh!!!
A:"Is it safe to cross the woods at night without little Timmy the dog?"
B:"i duno George?"
A: Baby Jesus and his adopted sisters did you hear that noise in the bushes? these woods aint safe!"
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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someone who hasen't got a propa ass!
ooooh he's fit, oh wait for it there had to be a flaw! hes got a weak ass man!
(kinda flat and not too much on the pert side either lol)
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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When a lad you love cheats on you just when you feel secure, he has pulled a Beatties on you!!!
B/F: I love u hunny bunny purlease never leave me!
G/F: O...K... whatever!
*months down the line*
G/F: Oh Im glad im with him he really is nice!
*B/F shacks up with uber fat chic from Beatties!, Ooooooooh how DEGRADING*
by trinkbar_trina March 30, 2005
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Your boyfriend wants anal and promises you a meal, takes you to McDonalds, and you pay for yours AND his!
Lad:Awwwwwww my ex wud neva let me av anal! your a propa safe bird u r!
i'll buy u a meal! make that ten burgers for me please dear!!! hey! ive forgot my wallet!
Chic: Well aint that just DANDY?
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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A classy designer that sounds like a classy way of saying Dear!

So this is what you call a classy mate lol, as a substitute for the word Dear

Really good to use on your gay mates! They like the label!
"Hola Dior how are you doin chic?"
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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Meh is a word you use when you arent ok, but you arent too bad either and you dont really wanna talk about it cus you aint in the mood lol!
person A: "hey dude! u ok?"
person B: (feelin a bit pi**ed off but not at his/her worst and aint in the mood for going into detail!) "Meh!"
person A: "Oh its like that is it?"
*person-B doesnt even have to explain him/herself, person-A has established hehe!
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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