35 definitions by tracey

Any situation involving a large group of women in a relatively small space. The term is derived from the smell of vaginal secretions.
Man, that self-defence class was a real fish-fry.
by tracey December 28, 2004
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One who attempts to appear to others as something they are not, especially by their manner of dress; a charlatan.

also 'poseur'
Take off that gold chain Julio, you're such a fucking poser!
by tracey December 28, 2004
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It aint much to look at but shes got a luvly pair of lils!
by tracey August 29, 2003
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1.) to lurk, to stalk, to be "all about it".

2.) to be checkup on and cause annyonance.
Tracey p-doggs Rob hard when she goes out to see where hes at.

Dana's p-doggin the chip bag.

Greg keeps p-doggin us about how much we have to do
by tracey January 5, 2005
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The action (and noise relating to this action) of piercing open a jar with a paper/foil seal on top, usually done with a spoon for best effect!
That poink made a very satisfying noise!


Can you poink the new jar of coffee for me?
by tracey November 20, 2003
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