35 definitions by Tracey

ka sounds just like it looks. ka. when i was younger and my parents took us to mass, there was always a chinese couple who sat in front of us, caddy corner, indian style on the pew. one day, the woman must have had some sinus congestion or something, so out of nowhere, she begins to sneeze. after a few unproductive sneezes, she gathers her phlegm and watch out - KA - it went flying in the church. KA is the sound she made as her mucus flew and joined the choir sitting in front of us. (ok, well, i dont know where it really went, but it was funny as hell and we laugh about it to this day!
by Tracey January 17, 2005
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A womans vagina during her period.
She is so bitchy, she probably has a bleeding hatchet wound.
by Tracey September 18, 2003
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I dare'nt open me legs...I got codcacks!!
by Tracey September 13, 2003
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The action (and noise relating to this action) of piercing open a jar with a paper/foil seal on top, usually done with a spoon for best effect!
That poink made a very satisfying noise!


Can you poink the new jar of coffee for me?
by Tracey November 20, 2003
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Another name for those really big prey mantis type bugs.
"my god, look at the size of that antiwampuszapperflapper!"
by Tracey February 15, 2004
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A dick/cock/penis/willy/funstick/pork sword/magic wand
He had a tadger the size of a cat's cock
by Tracey September 13, 2003
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