127 definitions by theWestHamfan

like russian roulette but ther are NO bullets in ANY chambers
"blimey Darren" exclaimed Dave "that dark-skinned dwarf's a brave bastard"
"nah" replied darren laconically "unfortunately, he's playing italian roulette!"
by theWestHamfan January 3, 2004
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flitting , birdlike, from one thing to another, lacking focus, lacking concentration.
"stone me, denis.""since i made you player/manager you're running around like a fart in a colander"
by theWestHamfan November 11, 2003
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a foul tasting mouth. as in the morning after the night before
kevin was about to give june a first kiss when he discovered she had a mouth like a mongolian wrestler's jock strap
by theWestHamfan November 25, 2003
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hard gristle lumps that form in one's testicles during puberty
"in my opinion" sympathised the consultant "we will have to remove the veg part of trevor's meat and two veg"
"NOOO" screamed the semi-anaesthatised trevor "it's me GALL stones, not me BALL stones, you pillock"
by theWestHamfan December 15, 2003
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after all; used over and over again by football pundits, footballers etc.
"let's face it" said alan "at the end of the day, gazza would be over the moon to be selected for the ladies team."
by theWestHamfan November 13, 2003
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alec entered the gay restaurant rather apprehensively and took a seat. the waiter minced over and said "would sir care to see the menu?"
"no" replied alec "i really want your meat & two veg!"
by theWestHamfan November 23, 2003
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a woman that looks so hard up she would wash out condoms and use them again
she was wearing a red hat and a smile but kev still didn't fancy her. she resembled a north london rubber scrubber
by theWestHamfan January 27, 2004
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