32 definitions by the modhatter

Today, as Ukraine is still suffering during Putin's #WarOfAggression, Elizabeth Warren continued to not care, opting instead to raise funds FOR HERSELF, with the hashtag #DBFH. Sources close to the bloody & teeth gingivitis Senator confirm, the letters stand for Dumb Berniecrat From Hell.
"Berniecrats KNOW that Putin is a dictator who rigs elections, right? So how can an ILLEGITIMATE DICTATOR have "legitimate" security concerns???"
"Don't expect logic from DBFH."
by the modhatter March 8, 2022
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Sometimes, people claim to be Christian, and then spout only Old Testament theories without ever quoting a single thing actually attributed to Christ, and further, they refer to anyone who DOES quote the teachings attributed to Christ as "cherry-picking." They love "the Cross," but remove Christ from Christianity -- hence "Xian." A follower of Christ loves all neighbors -- an Xian will yell and scream at their neighbors for not saying Merry Xmas.
"Isn't it weird how they always want to put the Ten Commandments on public property, but never the Sermon On The Mount?"
"It's not that weird, once you've dealt with enough Xians."
by the modhatter February 17, 2022
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In reference to the Headless Horseman, an "Ichabod" is a man in an online personal ad who will show you every private part he's got, but not his face, resulting in an endless array of headless profile shots.
Wow, did you check out that profile!

Yeah, but he's probably got a face like a mud fence... Geez, put up a face pic! It's the 21st Century, Ichabod!
by the modhatter May 24, 2011
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When a White Heterosexual Affluent Male, or WHAM, feels threatened by non-WHAM, particularly in politics or pop culture, he will make obnoxious ad hominem attacks. But because the WHAM typically does not possess much intellect OR self-confidence, he'll enlist the help of other online bullies to swarm his victim: hence, BroHive.

Despite connotations, a responding member of BroHive needn't identify as male -- maintaining Patriarchy has often attracted females like Phyllis Schlaffly, that Jameela Jamil calls "Double Agents."

Similarly, while many associate "Bros" with Bernie Sanders, "BernieBros" is to "Bros" as "Square" is to "Rectangle." Often, BroHive will activate any time you mention, for instance, the Second Amendment. There is seldom an attempt to make any serious point; the swarm will merely make ridiculous Strawman Fallacies.

The point of BroHive is not to change hearts or minds, merely to harass people into silence. They will even do this to people who are ACTIVELY working on the causes that BroHive profiles CLAIM to support, if the victim doesn't support the cause EXACTLY the way the BroHive want. Furthermore, when victims of BroHive defend themselves, the root narcissism of BroHive will make them believe that they, the perpetrators, are actually the victims, at which point they feel justified in doxxing their victims, photoshopping their victims into offensive and often violent memes, etc.
"All I did was point out that Susan Sarandon, a wealthy and privileged white woman, was making some incredibly offensive statements about the Working Class taking a day off before resuming the fight against the GOP, and the BroHive swarmed on me like a field of statice."
by the modhatter January 25, 2022
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In 2016, particularly after a violent mob of Berniecrats started acting like the other Trumpers, people started to refer to Bernie Bros as Blue MAGA. Eventually, investigators confirmed that Bernie was being supported by Putin, like Trump was, so we no longer associated them with actual True Blue Democrats. One of the preferred choices was Rose MAGA, in reference to their DSA Roses, and the similarity of the color to Red Hat MAGA.
"Those Democratic Socialists sure to seem to hate Democrats and society."
"That's because they're neither Democrats nor Socialists -- they're just Rose MAGA Populists"
by the modhatter July 19, 2022
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The Far Right Tea Partiers adopted the Red MAGA hat as their emblem.
Likewise, the Horseshoe Left showed their solidarity by choosing the MAGA Red Tea Rose as their emblem.

Many accounts on social media which put the MAGA Red Tea Rose in their handle or bio are, in fact, not real people, but the continued internet presence of fake bot accounts. Hence, Rosebot.
"They can't REALLY believe the Socialists™ would give a trillion dollars to cancel the student loan debt of the rich, can they?"
"Naw -- that's just another Rosebot."
by the modhatter May 28, 2022
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Many politicians and supporters identify as Never Trump, but on a social progress scale, 100 being truly, meaningfully for progress, and -100 representing the regressiveness of Trump, many of these people are at -99. This is true of Republicans like Romney, Kinzinger, and Cheney, who still vote over 90% with Trump's radically conservative positions, and is also true in Horseshoe Theory, among people who CLAIM to care about things like climate change, reparations, voting rights, gun reform, et al, but say they will sit out the election, or, worse, actively carry water for the GOP, if the 48 Democrat Senators don't magically act like a 68-seat Supermajority.

MAGAdjacent can also be used as a noun to describe people whose political outcomes match the definition above.
"I actually heard a so-called Progressive™ say she would support Liz Cheney for PRESIDENT!!!"
"OMG! Even after Liz made a spectacle of herself after Roe V Wade was struck down?"
"I know! I knew Bros had some MAGAdjacent tendencies, but I had no idea this Bro was officially a MAGAdjacent!"
by the modhatter August 1, 2022
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